JALSA Submits Testimony in Support of An Act Ensuring Access to Full Spectrum Pregnancy Care

Senator Paul Feeney and Representative James Murphy Chairs, Joint Committee on Financial Services

Dear Chairs Feeney and Murphy:

The Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) is a membership-based non-profit organization based in Boston, with thousands of members and supporters statewide. Guided by Jewish teachings and values, we are devoted to the defense of civil rights, the preservation of constitutional liberties, and the passionate pursuit of social, economic, racial, and environmental justice for all people.

JALSA wishes to offer its testimony in strong support of S. 646 / H. 1137, An Act Ensuring Access to Full Spectrum Pregnancy Care.  This legislation is rooted in the commonsense belief that cost should never prevent people from accessing care, especially in a global center of high-quality health care. That exorbitant out-of-pocket health care costs put essential pregnancy-related care out of reach for those who need it not only harms patients, families, low-income households, and marginalized populations – it runs counter to fundamental Jewish values.

As Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg and Sheila Katz, CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women, wrote in the Jewish independent newspaper Forward (1/29/21):

As Jews, we know that each human is created in the divine image. Kavod habriyot, or upholding human dignity, and pikuach nefesh, preserving life — including and especially that of a pregnant person — are cornerstones of our tradition. We are taught to pursue justice, to empower and protect those most marginalized in society. This is all related to the work of reproductive health, rights and justice.

The important Jewish values of kavod habriyot and pikuach nefesh very much come into play when weighing the impact and value of An Act Ensuring Access to Full Spectrum Care. Ensuring that every Massachusetts resident has access to the full spectrum of pregnancy-related care not only enables everyone to decide if, when, and how to have a family or raise children, it does so in accordance with fundamental Jewish values that center human dignity and uplift economic and reproductive justice.

JALSA strongly urges the members of the Joint Committee on Financial Services to report An Act Ensuring Access to Full Spectrum Pregnancy Care favorably out of committee.

Cindy Rowe
Executive Director
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action


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