JALSA Submits Testimony in Support of Feeding Our Neighbors Legislation

September 12, 2023

Dear Chairs Kennedy and Livingstone:

The Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) is a membership-based non-profit organization based in Boston, with thousands of members and supporters statewide. Guided by Jewish teachings and values, we are devoted to the defense of civil rights, the preservation of constitutional liberties, and the passionate pursuit of social, economic, environmental, and racial justice for all people.

JALSA wishes to offer its testimony in strong support of S.76 / H.135, An act establishing basic needs assistance for Massachusetts immigrant residents.

Many legally present immigrants in Massachusetts do not qualify for safety net benefits, but the need remains for this vulnerable population. Leviticus 19:16 instructs us to “not stand idly by” as our neighbors suffer. From 1997 to 2002, the Massachusetts Legislature actually did provide state-funded food benefits (SNAP) and cash assistance (TAFDC and EAEDC) to immigrants cut off from federal benefits. Several states, including California, neighboring Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, and Washington state, currently provide such benefits. Massachusetts should (re-)join this list immediately and demonstrate the Commonwealth’s commitment to not stand idly by while residents face severe need.

JALSA strongly urges the members of the Joint Committee on Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities to report S.76 / H.135, An act establishing basic needs assistance for Massachusetts immigrant residents, favorably out of committee.


Cindy Rowe
President and CEO
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action


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