JALSA Submits Testimony in Support of Affordable Housing Legislation

October 11, 2023

Dear Chairs Moran and Cusack:

The Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) is a membership-based non-profit organization based in Boston, with thousands of members and supporters statewide. Guided by Jewish teachings and values, we are devoted to the defense of civil rights, the preservation of constitutional liberties, and the passionate pursuit of social, economic, environmental, and racial justice for all people.

JALSA wishes to offer its testimony in strong support of S.1771 / H.2747, An act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing (the LOHA bill), and S.1799 / H.2894, An act providing for climate change adaptation infrastructure and affordable housing investments in the Commonwealth (the HERO bill).

JALSA is proud to be a member of the Local Option for Housing Affordability (LOHA) Coalition in support of S.1771 / H.2747. This bill would enable Massachusetts municipalities to enact a local option transfer fee in order to fund the development of affordable housing. The Commonwealth is facing an extreme housing affordability crisis. This bill provides communities with a flexible tool to address this crisis in a way that best suits their local needs. We know that this approach is desirable given that eleven communities have already filed home rule petitions to be able to enact a transfer fee, with many more communities discussing the same approach.

Similarly, JALSA is proud to be a member of the Housing and Environment Revenue Opportunities (HERO) Coalition in support of S.1799 / H.2894. This bill would responsibly raise urgently needed revenue that would fund 3,500-6,500 new housing vouchers and construct or preserve 18,000 housing units over a decade. It would also support large scale climate mitigation & adaptation projects, such as decarbonization of low- and moderate- income housing and protection of low-income and coastal communities, in line with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Climate Plan.

These two measures are critically important for Massachusetts to combat the housing affordability crisis and meet urgent needs of Commonwealth residents.

Our faith-based values have impressed upon us the importance of housing as a civil right. On Yom Kippur, our most sacred holiday, we read in Isaiah, “take the poor into your homes.” The Bible also commands that a poor person be granted “sufficient for what lacks, according to what is lacking to him” – which includes a bed and table – and, therefore, a home.

We must take all steps that we can to make housing accessible and affordable for all. Upholding human dignity, the fundamental Jewish value of Kavod HaBriyot, demands that we ensure housing for all.

JALSA strongly urges the members of the Joint Committee on Revenue to report S.1771 / H.2747, An act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing, and S.1799 / H.2894, An act providing for climate change adaptation infrastructure and affordable housing investments in the Commonwealth, favorably out of committee.


Cindy Rowe
President and CEO
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action


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