JALSA Submits Testimony in Support of the Safe Communities Act

January 22, 2024

Dear Chairs Timilty and González,

The Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) is a membership-based non-profit organization based in Boston, with thousands of members and supporters statewide. Guided by Jewish teachings and values, we are devoted to the defense of civil rights, the preservation of constitutional liberties, and the passionate pursuit of social, economic, environmental, and racial justice for all people.

JALSA wishes to offer its testimony in strong support of S.1510 / H.2288, An act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents, also known as the Safe Communities Act.

For many Jewish families, the story of immigrating to America to flee discrimination and violence is a familiar one. Many of us are just a few generations removed from forebears escaping persecution to find refuge in the promise of the American Dream. This component of our identity is deeply personal, and it compels us to welcome new arrivals to our country who are also seeking relief from poverty, medical needs, uninhabitable conditions, and even bloodshed.

The Torah commands us no fewer than 36 times to welcome people from other lands. Further, we know that there are profoundly harmful consequences to “otherizing” people and designating them as outsiders and as “less than.” How we treat immigrants is a direct reflection of our moral character. Today, right here in Massachusetts, we are forcing our immigrant friends and neighbors to live their lives haunted by the specters of suspicion, stigma, and danger, in perpetual fear of the plagues of family separation and deportation.

The fundamental premise of the Safe Communities Act is that our local law enforcement has no role in enforcing federal immigration law, and that every person, including immigrants, deserves due process. It is the obligation of legislators to defend due process rights and ensure that our law enforcement officers keep everyone in our Commonwealth safe, especially members of our immigrant community who are at great risk. In passing the Safe Communities Act, we will uphold and reinforce our principle that Massachusetts is a beacon for justice and equality.

JALSA strongly urges the members of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security to report S.1510 / H.2288, An act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents, favorably out of committee.


Cindy Rowe
President and CEO
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action


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